Sunday, August 3, 2008

What a GREAT day!

OOOPS... I fell asleep before posting this!

Today was the baby shower for Jamie. I have been looking forward to this since the day she called to tell me that she was pregnant. If it were not for Jamie... I would not be where I am today. Of course, I guess my husband had to fall in love with me but Jamie did start it all! Thank you Jamie.. and I hope that you, your family and all of your friends had a wonderful time, I know that I did! It was great to see everyone.... I will leave you with some pictures and I am off to take a quick nap while Izzy is napping.

OH... by the way-Izzy is home! She had a blast in Abilene with Ma and Papa... let's all hope that she sleeps as good for us as she did for them. Thanks mom and dad!

Thanks to my Mother-In-Law and my mom for cleaning up and making it so easy on me!!

Congratulations Jamie!

Jamie and her Wickeds.....

Mandy, Linda, Jamie and baby Lucas

She Loves it!

Do you recognize this girl? Yep, it's Jodi! She looked so pretty!!
I love this picture!!

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Sounds like you all had a good time. Love Jamie's shoes! I wonder how long she will be able to keep wearing those! I love the pictures of Izzy going to Abilene. She's so cute.