Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Two post in one day?

Izzy and Lyric acting silly!

Look at those two sweet girls!

Clouds above our house last Friday.

The Zoo.

Izzy tells us that she can hold her OWN hand now!

see the Tiger back there? They are new at our zoo.

uhhhh, hello!

our pooped out Izzy.

Izzy dressed herself. She did pretty well, don't you think?

Our day with Ru....

Today Ruven came over to play with Izzy. We had a ball. I was very busy with the two of them, they finally both fell asleep and I did some laundry. I had to wash their clothes, they both got really messy during lunch.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy "late" Birthday Mom...

I am so embarrassed to say that I forgot to write a post for my mom's birthday. I can't believe it. As I am sitting here writing this, I just realized that we didn't even have a cake for her while we were in Abilene. What is wrong with me? My mom and dad are picking Maddie up on their way back from Grand Junction... I promise I will have a birthday cake and there will be lot's of singing=) I do know that my dad and grandma took her out to dinner for her birthday and she was sung to and had dessert there... At least her birthday present made it... I am so sorry mom.. I love you and miss you everyday. Happy Late Birthday!

End of school party...

Last night we headed over to Vermilion one last time for the end of the year party! (At least that is what we called it) We had a great time and we even met Elmo! Next year Izzy will be going to Westlink one day a week by herself, yikes, and PAT will be moved to the high school. I think I will miss the little school, but we will have to wait and see! Enjoy the pictures....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ron Potts....

Not sure if we have any readers left... I am a terrible blogger! But, I think I will keep it going to help me remember things that happen. Izzy and I stay so busy that I don't always get a chance to write things down and it seems like my memory is going also.

Today started off pretty good. Izzy and I woke up and we felt pretty good. I was icky all day yesterday with another sinus infection, went to the Dr. got some medicine and feel better today. My mom called early this morning with very sad news. Ron Potts passed away. The Potts family and Murray family have been friends for many, many years. Back in January we were saddened by the news that their oldest son Jeff, passed away, and now 4 months later Ron.

I remember one time, mom, me, Susan and Ron Potts were having lunch at Burger King. I was probably 4?? Anyway, he was picking on me like he always did and I told him to look under the table... when he did I was giving him the bird. Funny thing is, I still remember the look on his face. He was a very talented man and loved trains (he had a great collection, every time I watch Stuart Little it reminds me of Ron's trains) and I know he was a great friend to my mom and dad. Please be thinking of the Potts family and my family as my parents will be leaving in the morning for Grand Junction.

He will be missed greatly... here is a picture of Ron and Susan at my wedding and Ron and I dancing!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

forgot a picture from the zoo....

I took this one with my phone... Izzy and Jacob in the wagon.

Our new schedule?



Izzy has decided that she no longer needs a nap during the day. So, we spent 4 hours at the Zoo today. I didn't get any pictures cause I didn't want to get the camera wet... we had a great time. Just like yesterday, busy all day, bath at 7 and in bed ASLEEP by 8! Wow, what do I do with myself until my bedtime??? I do like this new routine... at least until winter!

Monday, May 4, 2009

pictures, pictures and MORE pictures...

After three years at our house...
I finally convinced Don that we needed new toilet seats.
Thank you!

Izzy and I had a yummy treat...

We also had lunch at Great Harvest Bread Co.
It is sooooo good!

Pictures of Izzy and her friends at the beginning
of the school year... my how they have all grown!

All the kids on the last day of school!

Izzy and her teacher, Miss Jana.

Izzy loves to slide... so she tried out her slide in her tub.


Izzy was calling her Papa to let him know we were on our way.

She tried to sleep in my mom and dad's cat bed.

Izzy and Lucy (my parents' dog)

She even rode in the ELEMENT! This is Grandpa Sailing's car!

reading a story to Abbey.

....this is why Izzy needs to take naps. She was out at 8:00 tonight!

Good night.