Thursday, June 18, 2009

What is there to say?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I finally did it. We found the perfect addition to our family!
What a surprise for Don when he got home from work. I will
post more later but I am kind of busy!!
Don loves him!

Uncle Sam aka Santa Clause

My parents make these wood figures and Izzy is finally at an age where she actually notices them. Uncle Sam is the first one... can't wait for the witch. Anyway, today when we drove up to the house she laughed and said, "Hi, Santa Clause!" Yesterday she wanted her picture taken with him. Does that mean this year when we see the real Santa, she will have her picture taken??

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pictures from the past few weeks...

Izzy is learning how to ride her tricycle. She is doing very well!

....her friend Pablo

If you don't know, Izzy LOVES Cars. Yes, she lined them up by herself. She can also name each car.

Izzy and her cousin Olivia.

They had a blast together.

still playing!

First day at the pool... Welcome Summer!

Just like Daddy.

Izzy and Olivia going on their first wagon ride together.

Izzy, Olivia and Papa Cars.

wake up Maddie!

Maddie and the tire swing.

Izzy and Papa woof, woof.

The girls are watching Monster House.

After some fun in the sun.
The birthday cake for my mom and dad.

Want some of my cookie?
Izzy and Savannah going to the Zoo.