Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our First Picnic

Izzy eating her lunch.

She picked a piece of grass, then handed it to me and said, "Mama!"

Today, Izzy and I decided that we would go to the park and have a picnic. Lunch was great... Izzy thought it was so funny that we were sitting on a blanket and eating outside. We had a great time and I can see us doing this again really soon!!

After we ate our lunch we headed over to the new playground. I was kind of disappointed... there was not much for Izzy to play with. A few more months and she will LOVE it there. Guess we will just have to wait.

She is still having sleeping problems... still sleeping in our bed. Tonight, I rocked her for about 30 minutes... she was sound asleep. The second I put her in her bed, she woke up screaming. She is now asleep on the floor in the living room. Not sure what is going on... we are thinking that maybe she doesn't like being so low in the crib. We thought we might go ahead and convert her bed. Why not? She doesn't sleep in it anyway, haha.

What a great girl she is....
she can sleep wherever she wants!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sweet Dreams

Dreaming of fun times with my cousins...

What a couple of busy days....

Friday, Izzy and I went up to Abilene for the day. It was the last time that we will see Maddie and Veronica for awhile. We are hoping that we will see them around the Holidays.... The last time Maddie and Veronica spent the night with us, the day they left Veronica and I cried and cried.. we even made the girls cry! I am going to miss them so much.... we had a great time. The girls love each other so much. Maddie even told me and Izzy "I love you!" That didn't make it any easier to say goodbye.

My parents are helping Veronica and Maddie drive to Wyoming tomorrow... I hope you all have a safe trip and I already miss you so much! As our new favorite song says, "I love you in the morning and in the afternoon, I love you in the evening, and underneath the moon!" See you VERY soon!!

Saturday, was Olivia's 1st Birthday party. What a party it was!! There were giraffes everywhere. Olivia LOVED her cake.. and we all had so much fun. She is such a cute little thing... I have never seen a baby smile and laugh as much as she does... she is such a silly little girl and she always brings a smile to my face. We love you and wish you the best FIRST birthday!!

Tomorrow, we are going to be as lazy as possible...

Good Night!

Me and Maddie Moo

Just playing on Ma and Papa's bed...

Oh my... look at all that frosting!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Isabelle Ann Sailing
Born August 20th, 2007
12:07 pm

The first time I held Izzy.

First time Daddy held Izzy.

A very proud Daddy.

Grandma Sailing

Papa, Izzy and Maddie.

Ma with Izzy.

Grandpa Sailing

I actually found a picture of my brother, Andy. He is always working... we miss you!

Izzy getting ready to go Birthday shopping with Mommy.

Baby Georgia? Georgia is my mom... we think she looks like her!

I planned to take her to Baskin Robbins, just like my mom did with me.... she didn't make it.

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Izzy....

This is MESSY!

I am officially ONE!

All clean and ready for another year!

Don't forget to watch me on T.V.

Izzy and I had a great day! We went to Jazzercise and she played with 3 other kids, then we had lunch, napped, and went shopping and made it home just in time to have dinner with Daddy and celebrate her birthday! We love you Belly Button!

*Happy Birthday to Austin tomorrow! Austin lives in Las Vegas, NV-Hope you have a great day Shanan... you will be with him soon*

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

This date last year... what a surprise!

I remember waking up around 3:45 and feeling SOOOO hungry. I rubbed my big belly and told Izzy to please go back to sleep and I promise that I will get up and eat in a bit. She was really kicking and moving around. Then I turned to lay on my other side and I felt something very strange! I was worried that I had wet the bed... I had NO idea how I was going to wake Don and tell him. I then rolled over to get up and realized that my water had broke. Don jumped up and said, "I didn't take a shower yesterday!" I told him to hurry and take one (Thank goodness I took a shower before bed). Don made sure that I was standing on a towel. The funny thing was a few months before this Don had mentioned that maybe we should get some plastic to sleep on in case this happened... I told him that it wouldn't happen that way, boy was I wrong.

He went to the closet to get the bag to take with everything we needed... Ha, it wasn't there. He yelled from the closet.. "Where is the bag?" I told him that I unpacked it. OOOPS.

On the way to the hospital I kept telling him to hurry, then slow down, then hurry. Poor guy, he was very patient with me. When we got there Don insisted that he push me in a wheelchair. What a crazy ride. We were getting in the elevator and he dropped the bag and then the door shut on me cause he left me sitting half in and half out! We were just laughing so hard by the time we made it upstairs. The lady working at the front desk was an elderly woman, very nice. She was so worried about getting us enough stickers for the Grandma's and Grandpa's and had to look for more. During all of this I was leaving a very nice puddle!

The grandparents all arrived and hung out for a very LONG day. To make a long story short... Izzy did not come today. They started medicine to help around 9:00 pm, she was a very stubborn little girl!

Here we are trying to pass the time!
We were getting tired and doing anything to make us laugh!

They finally gave me something to eat. Get this... they brought me this food and told me not to eat it all... Hello... I had not eaten all day! This was all that I left and that almost killed me to leave that much!

Monday, August 18, 2008

On this date last year ...

This was a much better day!

Right before bed, Don asked me if I would be interested in going to Cracker Barrel for breakfast... of course I would!

I was up around 4:00 am and I kept myself calm and quiet until around 5:00 am. Then I started to make some noise trying all I could to get Don to wake up so that we could go. Finally, I just woke him up and said that I was ready to go!! We got to Cracker Barrel around 6:00 that morning. Poor Don... he didn't get a shower cause I was so HUNGRY. I didn't shower either... gross huh?

Well, we pigged out and had a great time. We were about the only ones there and the waitress was so nice and so interested in us... she knew everything by the time we left. We both had Mama's French Toast. Anyway, one of the ladies mentioned eating something spicy ( I had heard that before).

When we got home, I had an urge to clean everything in sight. I started with our closet and also unpacked the "bag" that we were going to take to the hospital. I figured that I had awhile before I needed it and I might need the stuff inside the next few days.

By the time I was done cleaning it was time to eat again. We had to go to Johnson's and get something for the yard and we laughed when we saw that they were selling fresh roasted chili peppers. We talked about it and decided to buy a bag and make nachos. That sounded good and very healthy for us. I shared with the lady that was helping us what my plan was... she just laughed. Off we went to the store to pick up everything we needed to make some yummy and SPICY nachos.....

The nachos were WONDERFUL and very SPICY. The rest of the evening was spent hanging out and watching Three's Company. I love Three's Company and have all seasons on DVD... just thought I would share that!

*Don had Cracker Barrel for lunch today, and I am fixing nachos for dinner... I even went by Johnson's and bought the peppers*
*Also, Izzy had her 12 month shots today, she was very good... well, until the second shot! She is much happier now that we are home and she is playing with her toys!*

Sunday, August 17, 2008

On this date last year...

I thought that I would re-cap all of the events leading up to Izzy's arrival starting today....

On August 17th we had an appointment with our Dr. at 10:00am. We went to the Dr. with hopes that she would tell us it would be anytime... Don and I had figured that Izzy would be born on the 17th. NOPE... our Dr. told us that we needed to schedule the induction... and she scheduled it for September 3rd. That was bad, bad news. I had no idea how I was going to make it that much longer. I was HUGE and uncomfortable.

Then Don and I decided to go to lunch. I remember I was on the phone with my mom, crying of course! We pulled up to Buffalo Wild Wings and Don wanted me to hurry so we would beat the lunch rush... I of course cried more and cried all through lunch.

We then went to Target to buy some larger shirts.. if I had to wait longer, I needed some larger shirts to cover my huge belly. Of course, nothing fit right so I cried and we went home.... I laid on the couch the rest of the day and night....

Saturday, August 16, 2008

It was a PURRR-FECT Party....

What a wonderful day!
Thank you to everyone... you all made today so special for Izzy and for me and Don. We all had a blast. Izzy LOVES all of her gifts. After everyone left, she played with everything and she is already fast asleep in bed. Izzy is a very incredible little girl and we look forward to all of the parties to come!

I know that we have some more pictures to post... they will be coming soon.
Thank you to everyone... it was truly a PURRR-FECT Party!

Zoey and Abbey on top of the cake. Izzy had a ball of yarn cake!

I am the Queen cat, see my crown?

My cousin Maddie-she was handing out party hats.

I love the grass...

Look... a Zoey and Abbey cat!

We are waiting for Olivia!

There she is...

Thanks for all of my presents!

I love all of this attention... keep singing!

Really? I can do this? OK!

Look what I did!

Here we are playing the freeze game!

Me and my mom and dad

Four generations...
me, my mom, ma and great-grandma Betty

My Grandma's and Grandpa's

Great Aunt and Great Uncle Jackson, Aunt Jodi, Aunt Veronica, Uncle Ryan, cousins Maddie and Olivia and my Great-Great Aunt Mary. My poor Uncle Andy is already in Wyoming working... we miss you!

Thanks for my presents Great-Great Aunt Mary and Great-Grandma Betty!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Tomorrow is the big day....

Tomorrow is the BIG day for Izzy. Her first birthday party. I can't believe that we are celebrating her birthday already. The year seemed to go by really fast now looking back. Of course there were the days and nights that we thought we would never make it... there were very hard times, very sad times, very happy times, and they all made a year that we will never forget. I am very emotional tonight for many reasons and I just want to thank our family for putting up with us along this journey with our little Izzy!!

Her birthday is not until Wednesday, so I have my blogs all ready and planned to recap on everything that happened right before we started getting Dizzy from Izzy!!

I love you Don... I love you Izzy... we make a GREAT family!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


This morning started off looking for the remote control. I had looked in and under everything in the house and decided it was time for some coffee. As I was having my first cup, I remembered a couple of weeks ago that I could not find Abbey. After searching everywhere for her, I finally found her in the linen closet. Aha... can the remote be in there? Sure enough, that is where it was! Finding the remote in the linen closet answers my question of how Abbey got in there!! Our suspect is still not talking about the incident =)

Tonight, we changed Izzy's car seat to face forward. She LOVES it and so do we. We can now see her so much better! We decided to go for a ride and being the great parents we are... we ruined Izzy's night and took her through the car wash...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Last seen approximately 8:00 am on Wednesday, August 13, 2008. The object had been in the hands of the young female pictured below...

Suspect is not talking!
Any tips to help us locate this object would be greatly appreciated!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Twilight Tuesday at the Zoo

Isn't this a great picture?


Thanks Daddy, this is fun!

I don't like this... get it AWAY!