Thursday, August 14, 2008


This morning started off looking for the remote control. I had looked in and under everything in the house and decided it was time for some coffee. As I was having my first cup, I remembered a couple of weeks ago that I could not find Abbey. After searching everywhere for her, I finally found her in the linen closet. Aha... can the remote be in there? Sure enough, that is where it was! Finding the remote in the linen closet answers my question of how Abbey got in there!! Our suspect is still not talking about the incident =)

Tonight, we changed Izzy's car seat to face forward. She LOVES it and so do we. We can now see her so much better! We decided to go for a ride and being the great parents we are... we ruined Izzy's night and took her through the car wash...


Jodi said...

Oh, what a face. . .silly girl.

Laura said...

Love the "case of the missing remote." There is a possibility it could happen again, however, it is remote. I know, bad pun. At least if it does happen again I bet you will look in the closet first!