Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pictures from Izzy's busy day!

Izzy woke up on the WRONG side of the crib.

Izzy on her way to the first of 4 Halloween parties.



All worn out from waiting in line to vote!
She was such a good girl. Everyone LOVED Izzy today...
they were all surprised how well she behaved, I was too!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Baby Lyric...

She is so beautiful.
I see both Jamie and Stuart!
We can't wait to meet her!!

Lyric Brianne Goodwin

Align Center

Lyric and Daddy

Lyric and Mommy

Friday, October 24, 2008

Maddie is here...

Today Maddie, Andy and Veronica arrived. Veronica and I have been talking about their reunion for weeks now and how they were going to go crazy when they saw each other.... well, Izzy was more into the flowers and Maddie was more interested in keeping warm with her blanket. Of course as the day went by, they became friends and played for hours.

We are so happy they are here, we really don't want them to go home. Here are some pictures from the day....

Almost forgot... Izzy's moon arrived today. What a BIG day for her. Izzy is in love with the moon, now she has her very own moon in her room. Izzy and Maddie love it!!

Are you sure Maddie is coming?

Izzy, we are getting too big for this chair!

Watch out Maddie....

Look at that Moon!

Goodnight Izzy, Goodnight Maddie, Goodnight Moon!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lyric Brianne Goodwin

Lyric was born tonight at 6:17 pm. She weighed 7.28 lbs, and is 20.5 inches long. I talked to her Grandma Pauline and she said that she is a very beautiful baby girl with black hair and blue eyes. She said that she is very alert and that everyone was doing well. I hope to have some pictures of baby Lyric tomorrow. I am so happy for you all!!!!

I am off to bed... Maddie is coming to spend two nights with us tomorrow... Izzy is already sleeping, we can't wait! I am sure this house will be full of laughs and two hyper little girls!

Good night...

Happy Anniversary Jamie and Stuart

Today is Jamie and Stuart's 4th Anniversary. Today will also be their first daughter's birthday! I know that today will be a wonderful day for you... I can't think of a better anniversary present than being able to hold little Lyric in your arms. We can't wait to see pictures. We love you!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend at Ma and Papa's

Izzy spent the weekend with her Ma and Papa and Grandma Betty in Abilene. Hearing all of the stories, Izzy not only ate well but she had a blast! I am sure that she had no rules and never heard the word "NO!"

When Don and I picked her up on Sunday, she just kind of looked at us and kept playing. I don't think she missed us one bit! We missed her and could not stop talking about her while we were gone.

Don and I went to St. Joseph, MO for two days. I had a couple of free nights at the Stoney Creek Inn, from when I was in training with American Family. It was strange going back to that hotel where I lived for 8 weeks.

I LOVE the catfish at Hoof and Horn in St. Joe... however, after driving to the Hoof and Horn we found out that it had burned down. I had been dying for catfish and was so upset. We did find out that there is a Hoof and Horn in Atchison, Ks. So, on Saturday we decided that we would go to Atchison and do some ghost hunting and eat at the Hoof and Horn. We didn't see any ghost, but we did hear a lot of stories.... and we spent the WHOLE day there. We were able to see the whole town and drove by many of the haunted places. Thanks for taking me Don!!!

Izzy and Papa before we left..
She wasn't upset then either!

Overlooking the Missouri River... We crossed
that bridge to get into Atchison...

This is an OLD bridge. I was very nervous to cross it.

We went to Jackson Park. We decided to go for a walk and we went off the path... knowing the story about this park, I should have stayed on the path, but it was day time...
We were at the bottom of this hill and Don freaked me out... I was running back to the car!

Because all of the Haunted tours were sold out...
this was the only house we were able to buy tickets for.
This home is named the McInteer Villa.

The Old Hoof and Horn
. We sat at a table over
looking the Missouri River. I did visit the restroom,
did not see any ghosts.... thankfully!!

Don thinks that people are so gullible when it comes
to Ghosts... especially his wife!

MMMMM... I love this catfish!

My beautiful Isabelle Ann...
I am glad to be home with her!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Staying home..

Well, Izzy has a runny nose and a cough so we have been staying in. At least the weather has been yucky so we are really not missing out on any outdoor time. I know that Izzy is going crazy... she missed school yesterday and gymnastics today.

Anyway, not much going on... so here are some pictures from the past few days!

Only SIX more days until Maddie arrives!!!!!!!!!!!! (Oh, Andy and Veronica too! We can't wait to see you either. It should be fun for my brother to see Izzy... last time he saw her she was just crawling... watch out Andy, she can get you now!)

We tried walking in high heel shoes! Don't worry
Mommy can't walk in them anymore either!!

We tried on Izzy's Ugg boots!
She LOVES them!!

We LOVE our comfies!

We have done a lot of rocking and listening to music.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

More Izzy pictures!

What an outfit!


Align CenterWatch out for the flying pumpkins!

Happy Anniversary....

Well, it is 3 in the morning and I am just sitting here wishing I could go back to sleep. Poor little Izzy woke up and her teeth were really hurting. She is now back in bed-thank goodness for Tylenol and warm milk.

I thought that I would share a few of my favorite pictures from the wedding. We had a really beautiful wedding, reception, and a wonderful breakfast at my parents the next morning. It was everything that I had ever dreamed of. I can't believe that it has been two years.

Since the day we met, I have always felt like I have known you my whole life... thank you for everything that you have given me. "You are my everything!" I love you!

Monday, October 6, 2008

The last few days...

My favorite picture of Izzy!

We have had some fun the past few days! On Saturday, Izzy went over to her Grandma and Grandpa Sailing's. They gave her a pumpkin full of Halloween things. Thank you for all of her goodies, she loves them!

Yesterday, Izzy had her FIRST professional photo shoot. The first few minutes were a little rough. I didn't think that we would get any pictures of her. After a lot of jumping up and down and throwing balls, pumpkins and leaves we ended up with some great pictures. We also decided that Izzy does not like the color black. Her Halloween costume is a black cat (we love it) and she screams when she wears it. Yesterday, when they had the black background she screamed.

We stayed in today. Not just because of the rain but also because Izzy has had an upset stomach. I am pretty sure it is because of her teeth... but it was a good day to stay home!

When Izzy eats something cold, she runs to the refrigerator.

Izzy taking Abbey for a ride. Yes, we wore our pajamas most of the day!

Serious Izzy

What a pretty girl!

Friday, October 3, 2008


We loved all of your guesses!

Today I went to the park with Olivia and Aunt Jodi. We spent almost TWO hours there. It was beautiful outside.. we had a blast! Olivia showed us how well she can sit up. She loved the park and we loved hanging out with them this afternoon!
Olivia got hungry so she had a bottle while I ran around... for some reason she was laughing at me....

Hope you all have a good weekend!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Izzy's Big Adventure...

Any guesses on what Izzy's Big Adventure was?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My first day of....

gymnastics was GREAT! I learned a lot of new things. I did my first somersault, walked and crawled on a balance beam, and even ran across a trampoline into a pit of foam blocks.

After we left, my mom took me to McDonald's for a cheeseburger and a toy. I ate the whole thing minus the bun and fries. I like to substitute fruit for fries and that way my mom can have my fries!

While I was eating I got a surprise in the mail from my Ma and Papa. Some Halloween stuff and my first sticker book. I can't wait to work on it while my mom and dad are not looking... I think some stickers will look great on the wall. Thanks for my presents....

I then took a THREE hour nap. Mom should have started me in gymnastics a long time ago.

Please mom... put me in my bed!!

Hopefully next week we can get some action photos....
Good night!