Tuesday, September 16, 2008

First Day of School!

First Day of School... Last year! Actually, we didn't start until spring of this year...
Thanks to Kim for telling us about it!

First Day of School 2008

Izzy had a ball at school today! It is so much different than last year. There are TONS of toys and so many other little kids to play with. Izzy knew many of the others from last year but she also met some new kids and saw two from Jazzercise.

At the end of class we all sit in a circle and have snack time while her teacher reads a book! We then danced to "The FREEZE" song. We love that one and do it at home all of the time.

It was such a nice day a few of us went over to the park across the street and played for an hour or so. Izzy and I played ballerina this afternoon. I don't think that she really enjoyed it all that much... but after awhile she decided it wasn't that bad.

We played so much today... we are all going to be asleep before 9 o'clock!!!

Good night!

This is my crazy Ballerina!

She can't seem to sit in the chairs.

She LOVES to dance on the table....


Kim said...

I'm so glad that you had fun at school Izzy. By the way, you look stunning in your dance ensemble!

Murray Family said...

iz,you remind me soooo much of your mom dancing on tables!!!!!! looks like your good at it. silly babies.love you ma!!!

Stacie said...

My mom has several pictures of me dancing on the table when I was a baby.
Thankfully, that experience has not led me to be employed as a dancer as an adult.
It was a close call - but I was much cuter as a 'tiny dancer'. :-)
Have a great weekend!

Hillary said...

I love to tutu... She doesn't look like she is up to any good though! :) I want you to post a picture with you and your new hair cut!