Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pajama Day

Izzy putting the bow on her teachers present!

All of the kids and their teacher.

All of the moms and the kids.

Tuesday was Izzy's last day of school for the year. We had a great time this year with everyone and have made some great friends. It is so funny to think that Izzy may be friends with these kids for a long time... I think it would be cool to be able to say that you have been friends since you were 6 months old. My family moved alot when I was younger. I hated it then but now I look back and realize all of the experiences that I had, and all of the different people that I met. I can say, that I have had one friend since the 2nd grade. Kim Malone... (of course that is not her name anymore, but I still call her that) and we still talk about once a month. Thanks for keeping in touch Kim!

Anyway, here are some pictures from her last day of school and gymnastics yesterday. She was AWESOME in gymnastics yesterday. I was so proud of her. She can walk the balance beam all by herself... she still has to have a little help from her tongue as you will see in the pictures.

Hope all is well with everyone!

I will attach the gymnastics photos later... they were taken with my I-Phone and I am not sure how to get them off. Don usually does it for me, but last night he was busy helping me get the house picked up. It looked like a tornado had hit. I am not sure what Izzy and I did.. well I guess we didn't do any cleaning.

1 comment:

Veronica Murray said...

It looks like you all had fun, and I love the card for the teacher! Hopefully all of you blue eyed babies will be back together soon!