Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gingerbread night at school

Izzy's first Gingerbread house.

Izzy going for a ride

Izzy LOVES to play with the reindeer food.


Not sure why it is facing this way... sorry.


Kim said...

I completely forgot that it was Gingerbread Night. Looks like you guys had a great time. I was just waiting to see Izzy stumbling around after spinning around on that scooter. Didn't seem to faze her though!

P.S. I love your house Izzy!

Veronica Murray said...

I love those coasters. I meant to tell you that I just read that a good trick at home is to get a long bath towel and have her hold on near the top, then you drag them in circles by the top of the towel and its good for shoulder strength and posture. Maddie tried it last night and loves it.

Way to go Izzy, your gingerbread house seemed to hold up better than our last. Maybe you can tell us your tricks and we will give it another shot. Love you guys!!!!