Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Surprise in the mail....

I was so tired today. I am not sure why! I took a three hour nap and I am ready to go back to bed. So this will be very short tonight!

Izzy got a surprise in the mail today. I guess you can say it was her first gift from a boy! She was so cute.... she squatted down next to me while I opened it. We opened the card first and then the gift. She loved it! It was a new doll. This one came with a bottle that looks like it really has milk in it. Thank you so much baby Lucas (and Mandy and Clint). We love it. Here are some pictures of Izzy playing with her baby Lucas doll... and of course the cutest picture of baby Lucas (the real baby Lucas, isn't he cute?)

Baby Lucas

Izzy looking at how much baba baby Lucas drank

Cute outfit!

This is good milk...

Izzy got stuck in a sweatshirt... Abbey was helping!

1 comment:

Veronica Murray said...

How cute!!!! You will have to give it a real name, just not DEE DEE!!! jk